Two Theater Grottesco actors go behind bars to tell a cautionary tale

Mona Malec (left) and Danielle Louise Reddick star in Theater Grottesco’s staging of Two Artists in Prison, in which they spend the entirety of the play behind bars.

The actors, not the audience, are captive in Theater Grottesco’s imagination-driven Two Artists in Prison.

Danielle Louise Reddick and Mona Malec spend all of the play’s 60 minutes in a makeshift prison cell, climbing around as they trade dialogue. Their characters have been jailed amid a crackdown on anyone who is “different”; the play focuses more on their imprisonment than the reasons behind it.

“With the political chaos in America and talk about retribution, it’s like, ‘Well, what happens when the wrong people are in prison?’” says John Flax, founding artistic director of Theater Grottesco. “Artists are rarely talked about as the ones who go to prison, but history tells us that they’re on the list. So it became very timely.”


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